Your viager expert specialist

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Invest in stone, enjoy the benefits of viager
  • Low bet compared to the value of the property;
  • Abatement practiced on the property value depending on the age of the Seller;
  • Notarial fees calculated on the value of the property after deduction;
  • No tenant or income to declare;
  • No formality, no fees for the constitution of the file, as proof of income for a mortgage credit bank;
  • Possibility to choose a property with payments tailored to their income;
  • Reducing costs and charges in relation to an investment rental;
  • Allowing seniors to better enjoy their retirement.
Testimonials ... Laurence and Pascal own their primary residence in Rouen. They were looking to invest: "We bought a occupied viager in a small village in Provence and each month we place 760 €. Our goal is to create a small heritage and take advantage of this property during our retirement. " Olivier is an engineer and works abroad: "I earn well my life, I have a home office and I did not know how to invest my money. Initially, I thought: Viager is not correct because we bet on people's death… Then I visited a property in the Var and I met the seller, Albert, who explained to me that for him, this was a chance…. So I made the step and I do not regret it. "

Your viager specialist